Saturday, November 21, 2009

18 MONTHS!!!

Today, Dutch is 18 months old!!! He has brought so much joy into our lives, it is hard to imagine life before him!

He is into EVERYTHING these days - climbing, eating things that he shouldn't, etc. In fact, just this past Thursday, we spent a few hours in the ER due to him falling off a chair and his tooth going thru his bottom lip. After a few stitches, we came home and he acted as if nothing happened!

It is hard to believe how fast time has gone by and before we know it Dutch will be an amazing BIG BROTHER!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Boo in the Zoo

We had a great time at Boo in the Zoo this year. It was Dutch's first time for Halloween. I'm not quite sure the he felt all that comfortable with everyone dressed up, but he enjoyed being with his cousins! We tried and tried to get some good pictures of the kids...this is what we got!




Pumpkin Patch

This year, my sister and I decided we would take our kids to Denver Downs Pumpkin Patch. We had a great time and the kids really enjoyed it!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Work in progress

After months of deliberating, we finally decided to add onto our house. We love the downtown area and really wanted to stay, so we figured why not make our house what we want it to be and continue to stay there. I must say, it is a work in progress and tests our patience everyday. And although I love decorating, choosing carpets/hardwoods, paint colors, etc, I have definitely already told my mom I would enjoy it better if someone just made the choices for me. I know that is not truly the case, but it is a lot of work and too many decisions! Just call me when it's ready to be furnished :)

Here are a few pictures from our construction progress. Our little man is such a BIG helper!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pregnant mother of 15 month old went camping...

We decided as a family that we would take Dutch on his 1st camping trip while the temperatures were still somewhat warm and the weather was nice. Well, most of you that know me know that I do NOT camp! I don't particularly like all the bugs and sleeping in a tent in the middle of nowhere, but I did it so that my boys could enjoy the experience.

Dutch seemed to like it - I'm not sure if he enjoyed camping or just the fact that we were outside for 24 hours! He loved jumping on the air mattress and just running around in the tent. I must admit, it was difficult taking a 15 month old camping, especially when you have to carry him up to the camp as well as ALL of the stuff that we brought with us (and you know DJ, he takes the entire house with him!). We had to keep a constant eye on him so that he wouldn't venture to the water on his own or get into the fire. I tried to tell DJ before we went that it would not be his "idea" of camping with Dutch. At the end of the camping trip (after I had been attacked by fire ants & mosquitoes and had fallen into the boat pretty hard), DJ agreed that he probably would NOT be bringing Dutch (or me) back anytime soon until he can do more for himself. I AGREE - and maybe next time it can just be the boys...just kidding! I am sure I will go again someday!

Here are some pictures from our camping trip -

Eating some breakfast
One last swim
And, I just need you to witness all of the stuff we brought with us...

Friday, October 2, 2009

It's A Girl!

We are so excited to announce that Dutch is going to have a little sister!!! This has been a long time coming in our families as there have only been boys born for the last few years. Needless to say, we are ready to "Think Pink."

We have names picked out that we weren't able to use with Dutch, so we are sticking with one of those...most likely! It will be either Lane Elizabeth (my middle name & my mom's/grandmother's middle name) or Lillian Elizabeth (DJ's grandmother & my mom & grandmother's middle name). We like them both the same, so it will just be a matter of choosing. I am leaning more towards Lane just because I know sooooo many Lillie's, Lillian's, Lilla's, Lyla's, etc.

Stay tuned for more updates on Baby Girl Doherty :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Brashier Family Beach trip!

Back in July, we took a week long trip to Garden City with my family. This year, we had one more joining our beach trip, my nephew, Jackson, so all in all there were 12 of us!!! We had a great time and Dutch really enjoyed being with all of his cousins. He acts like such a big boy when he is around them. I guess he just wants to do whatever they are doing. It is so cute to see them all interact together!

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall!

It has been a while since my last post...we have been so busy lately with trying to get everything in order for our addition to our house to begin. For those of you that may not have heard, with the new baby arriving in about 6 months, we will need to add on to our house to make room. We've been needing more room for a while now, but this was finally the "push" we really needed!

We've also been busy camping, going to the lake, playing in the parks, etc. It has been a fun summer for the Doherty family. It is hard to believe how fast time has gone by and how big Dutch has gotten!

A few things he is doing now:
* He is going full speed on his feet - running, walking, turning in circles to make himself dizzy, going up & down the stairs, climbing, etc.
* He LOVES his wagon and riding in it whenever he can!
* He also LOVES the water - pool, lake, bathtub, whatever!
* He hams it up for the camera these days, which I love!
* He says - Dada, Mama, Hot, thank you ("ank you"), his name (if you seen him lately, you know he says this CONSTANTLY and very well, might I add), Bye Bye ("baba"), This, Eyes, I did it, and Hi. Some of these, he has to be prompted to say, but most he'll say on his own.
* Mostly, he points and grabs at the air when he wants something instead of vocalizing it.
* We've got somewhat of a picky eater on our hands. He loves junk food and sweets - go figure!
* He loves emptying anything - drawers, cabinets, baskets, my purse & wallet.
* He loves books & looking at pictures. He always can find a book anywhere he goes.
* He also likes throwing his food everywhere, especially now that he ONLY wants to feed himself.
* We've finally got more than 4 teeth - woohoo! I think we are now up to 7 and I can see more popping through!

Pics to come soon!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dutch is going to be a BIG BROTHER!!!

We are happy to announce that we are expecting baby #2 in early March of 2010! DJ and I are so excited and feel so blessed. I am also looking forward to Dutch having a playmate - they will be 22 months apart, so i hope they will be close buds!

We had our 1st doctors appointment last Thursday and Dr. Beck said everything looked great. Our official due date is March 13th, but because I will be having a c-section, it will be more like March 6th or 7th. We are still very early so all thoughts and prayers are appreciated!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Big Boy Haircut

Well, we finally said goodbye to the mullet that Dutch had going on. It is amazing how much older he looks now that he has a "big boy haircut." He did really well while getting his haircut and his cousins were there to help out in case he got scared.

Right before getting his hair cut

Good shot of the mullet


Look at me now!

July 4th Beach trip

Well, we finally made it to the beach! We decided to head to Pawleys for the 4th to spend the weekend with our great friends. Dutch really enjoyed the beach & playing in the sand. And, he finally warmed up to most of the guys that he has been terrified of the last few months - whew, hope we're over that bump!
Testing out the waters with Daddy

Warming up to Josh


Napping with Brandon

Playing with Johnny's niece and nephew

Me, Dutch and Kelley

Brittany Brashier Graduates!

Congrats to my baby sis on graduating from high school. She is the last one for my parents...I wonder what they will do with themselves now that we are all out of the house??? Brittany will be leaving next week to start her new venture in Columbia. She is so excited and we are just as happy for her!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Fun!

We are ready for summer in our house. Can you tell? We have three beach trips planned this summer and hopefully we'll make it to the lake a few times too.