Monday, August 16, 2010

Oh. My. Gosh. Peaches, anyone?

Dutch and I had a breakfast date on Sunday so DJ spent the morning with Lane. This is what we came home to see (I mean, it looks as though DJ poured the peaches on top of her!):

Good thing he decided she needed a major cleaning!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's okay to be jealous.

We want you to be. Here is where we will be this time next week:

A view from the top...

We are enjoying a quiet Saturday morning at our house with our two babies. As I type, Lane is playing in her jumperoo and DJ is lying in bed with Dutch watching TV. We will be heading to my nephew, Joseph's, 5th birthday party around lunchtime. It is a karate party, so I'll be sure to bring my camera along to catch some pictures of Dutch participating in whatever he can! Tonight, I'll be attending a "going away" party for one of my best friends, Leah, who will be moving to Charleston next week. I will miss her terribly, but thankfully, she is only a few hours away and let's be honest, who wouldn't want to go to the beach to visit her?
In my latest post, I think I spoke about Lane starting to sit up. Well, she is getting better and better with it everyday. Here are some pictures of her doing her thing:

She is fascinated by the print on her dress

I really included this pic because she looks so much like a dollbaby here with that mouth!

She also likes sucking on her clothes...

Dutch showing her some love!

And of course, I had to throw in one of our BIG BOY!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Keeping up with the Jones'

Well, it seems as if I have had no time to blog lately with everything we've had going on, so now it's catch up time. Let's see....

Dutch is getting ready to start preschool in September. He will be going three days a week, but will continue to go to Jade's house on the other days and if school is not in session. Lane will also be going to school with Dutch, but only one day a week to start. She is on the wait list to get in for more days, but until then she will be with me or Jade. On a sad note, Jade, our long time "nanny" (I use this term for lack of another), is moving to Columbia once her house sells here in Greenville. She has been wonderful to my kids and they love her dearly, I hate to see her leave! It is taking her house longer than expected to sell, and although I want her to be where her husband is, I am also being a little selfish in thinking it may take a REALLY long time to sell and my kids can just stay there with her :) My wishful thinking, I suppose!

Dutch loves the pool and has become very brave in the water this summer. He thinks he can really swim, but he can't. However, I am 100% positive that by next summer he will be swimming on his own. He loves to jump in the pool with his swimmies on (or not) when there is no adult in the pool to catch him. Brave, I tell you! He also prefers to swim "alone" - meaning don't hold him or hold onto him. He can do it! He also has started potty training. We are not hitting it hard just yet. We ask him if he wants to go, he says yes, hops on the potty, goes "teetee" and gets a gummy bear. He will sometimes tell us if he needs to go, but we aren't to the point where we are diaperless. We are just proud that he will go every now and then!

Lane is now sitting up on her own. Not well just yet, but still on her own. She topples over after a minute or two. She enjoys her jumperoo and any teething toys she can get her hands on. She is sleeping from 7pm-6:30am, which is great - except, she likes to wake up about 5am and "talk" for about 30 minutes or until I drag myself out of bed and pop her pacifier back in her mouth. It's super cute and all, but I would prefer it about 7am or even 8am! She is getting oatmeal at night and we've just started with a little applesauce. I guess it is true that no two kids are alike. When Dutch was almost 6 months old, he was eating all sorts of foods and had been eating rice cereal for almost 3 months.

As for DJ and I, we just recently celebrated the marriage of our friends, Derek and Austin. They are a great couple, wonderful friends of ours, and terrific to our kids. You probably have read posts about them - we refer to Derek as Dutch's 2nd best friend, besides Bella. They are always coming over to visit them, bringing them toys, lovies, etc., playing with them, holding them and just treating them as if they were their own. No rush intended here, but we cannot wait for them to have babies of their own that we can spoil too!

On an even more exciting note, we are leaving next week to go to Mexico with our great friends AJ & Kelley. We always have a blast with them no matter where we are, so I am sure they will not disappoint next week either!

I'll leave you with a picture of Dutch catching his very 1st fish on his own using his rod from Derek and Austin. (Excuse the blurriness)