Thursday, October 28, 2010

New skills and teeth!

I have also been meaning to post about a new development with Lane! The day of the infamous win against Alabama, Lane began crawling! In the same week, her two bottom teeth popped through also! Now that she is on the move, Dutch is beginning to realize his toys are no longer safe. Sometimes you will see him being really nice and sharing, but for the most part, he takes things away from her and replaces it with some boring baby toy that even Lane doesn't want to play with. She has just started pulling up on things this week and likes "crawlking" (the act of crawling, but with legs straightened and feet flat on the ground). It looks like she wants to walk with her bottom half in a walking position, but top half on the ground, butt in the air. She also has started eating a few table foods - she loves most things, which is GREAT!

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