Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to School

I am so happy to be back to a routine and have the kids back in school. They went for their first day today and I am proud to say there were no tears.

Dutch was ready to go back- a few days ago, he saw an old picture of his class from last year that I had just taken off our fridge. I figured it was time to retire it to make way for his new class. When he saw it, he named them all and said "Those are all my friends. I miss them." It was really cute - and so, today, he got to see all of those old friends and some of which he is in a class with this year too.

Lane started in a new and bigger class this year. I thought she would give me a hard time this morning, but to my surprise as I put her down she walked over to where her "friends" were playing and only looked back for a second. She will be there three days - the same as Dutch - and they will both go to P.E. and music this year.

I hope they both have a GREAT year!

Kids on their first day!

This one was sent to me by Dutch's teacher - taken at school

Beach 2011

This year we went to Litchfield with my family for a week. We stayed on the creek, which was Heaven for DJ - and the boys liked it too :)

Lane really took a liking to the pool and the beach; in fact, she learned how to swim with her swimmies on, so it was much easier for me with both of them swimming on their own. Dutch went every morning with DJ to fish and usually ended up taking an evening boat ride as well. We all had a really nice trip!

My loves

Pop with the littles and Joseph celebrating his 6th birthday at the beach.
My sister and her cute little family
My three nephews and ALL the kids together
My sweet munchkin!
The boys on the creek
PRODOH proud :)
Beach bums

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lane and Dutch

I just realized that I never posted after taking both the kids for their check-up with Dr. Phillips.

Dutch - at three years:

Weight - 31 lbs., 7 oz. (46th percentile)
Height - 38.4 inches (68th percentile)

Lane - at 16 months:

Weight - 21 lbs. 4 oz. (22nd percentile)
Height - 31.3 inches (68th percentile)

My loves are growing so fast!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

PRODOH shirts!

We are excited to announce that the PRODOH shirts are in!!!

DJ and Evan have worked long and hard to create a shirt for kids (12 mo-4T) that they can wear doing anything outside - playing, swimming, boating - really anything! So far, things are going great - we have sold some shirts on our website as well as some in a few stores. At this moment, we have shirts in Greenville, Charleston and the Myrtle Beach/Pawleys Island area. We are hoping to expand beyond those areas, but with anything it takes time, so we are trying to be patient. Please check us out on facebook if you haven't and "like" our page - and check out our website too ( - it is a work in progress with a few minor glitches, but we are working at it everyday).

Thank you to everyone that has supported us and helped us along the way!!!

Summer 2011

We've been so busy this summer that I haven't found much time to post on the blog, so here is a summer recap leading up to our family lake and beach trip.

After coming home from Moab, we spent every weekend at the lake. I am not kidding. Up to the beach, we were at Jocassee or Hartwell every single weekend - most times just for the day with our fantastic neighbors, and spent the entire 4th of July weekend with lots of our close friends (including our great neighbors). The kids have had so much fun on the boat and in the water!

Here are a few pics of our weekends at the lake!

4th of July:

Big kids at the lake!

Little girls at dinner

Best buds - no smiles here...

Group shot!

Attempt at group shot

Showing off their PRODOH shirts!

Lake Jocassee:

Kaylee and Lane

Group shot

The three amigos

KT and I

Me with Kay and Lane