Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer 2011

We've been so busy this summer that I haven't found much time to post on the blog, so here is a summer recap leading up to our family lake and beach trip.

After coming home from Moab, we spent every weekend at the lake. I am not kidding. Up to the beach, we were at Jocassee or Hartwell every single weekend - most times just for the day with our fantastic neighbors, and spent the entire 4th of July weekend with lots of our close friends (including our great neighbors). The kids have had so much fun on the boat and in the water!

Here are a few pics of our weekends at the lake!

4th of July:

Big kids at the lake!

Little girls at dinner

Best buds - no smiles here...

Group shot!

Attempt at group shot

Showing off their PRODOH shirts!

Lake Jocassee:

Kaylee and Lane

Group shot

The three amigos

KT and I

Me with Kay and Lane

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