Friday, October 8, 2010

Update on the kids!

Dutch is loving preschool! He has made lots of friends that I hear about from him - although, I hear about a specific few more than others. We also have new neighbors, who are great by the way, and Dutch loves playing with their kids, Harper and Kaylee. It's so neat to see him interact with others more this year since last year most of the kids his age played independently.
Dutch also sings all kinds of songs to me (The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle, Twinkle and thanks to Sarah for clarifying - the Caterpillar song) and loves bringing home his beautiful artwork!
He is getting better about eating different foods and is now a whopping 28 lbs!!! Completely joking about the whopping part - he is only in the 35th percentile. Some of his favorite foods are pizza, tacos, french fries, rice, cereal, cheez its, chicken, goldfish, applesauce, any fruits, pancakes - some really healthy options, wouldn't you agree?
He loves going to the park, riding his bike and just being outside in general. He is very much into everything these days and can be quite rambunctious, but that's the life of any two year old, right?!
The only complaint we have is getting Dutch to go to bed on his own and at a decent hour and then staying in his room through the night. Right now, we read to him and then have to stay in there and lay with him until he falls asleep (which could be 9-9:30pm). At 3:30-4am, we hear the pitter patter of little feet making their way back to our room to get into bed with us. Some nights, depending on how tired we are, we take him back and end up sleeping in his room with him. Other nights, we are three deep in our bed!

Lane is now seven months old. At her 6th month visit, she was 27 inches (79th percentile) and 16 lbs. 3 oz. (47th percentile). She now eats stage 2 foods and loves applesauce and squash. She also loves her oatmeal that she has been eating for about three months now.
We have now got her to where she will go down at 7:30pm, but we do wake her at 11pm for her last bottle. She then sleeps until about 7:30am. I have tried not waking her, but she still will wake up around midnight and fuss until she gets her bottle, so it works for us to just wake her as we are getting in the bed. She is still sleeping in a crib in our room for now. We could move her, but as I mentioned before, with Dutch getting up EVERY night, it's just easier that neither of them wake the other in the middle of the night and their rooms back up to one another.
She is sitting up like a champ and will rock on all fours. She will be taking off any day now, but until then she scoots around the room. Mostly backwards.
A new development this week, Lane has two teeth! One is completely through, the other I can see and feel on her gums, but I'm not quite sure it's popped through yet. She hasn't been fussy with them coming in so I can't complain.
She is such a happy baby - loves to laugh (at her brother especially) and loves to smile!

Both kids are feeling much better after having horrible sinus infections (I am now getting it - great!) and we will be hitting the weekend hard watching the Bama/USC game, Meghan will be coming home, Fall for Greenville, Halloween pictures and my grandfather's 80th birthday and my sister's 34th birthday!

1 comment:

Lucas said...

Maybe we can teach Dutch and Bradley each others phone numbers and they can call each other at 4am instead of waking their parents up each night. :) what is it about 2 year olds and getting up at unreasonable times of the night?