Thursday, June 23, 2011

MegaJed Wedding Event - part 2

Sorry it has taken me SO long to post the wedding pictures. Our internet has been down almost an entire week thanks to these crazy storms we've been having. It is nice to be up & running again.

Anyhow, because I had so many pictures - and so many are so good, I couldn't choose which ones to post. I had to dedicate two postings to the great wedding of Meghan & Jed - ENJOY!

Mother and Daughter sharing that "moment"

Mr. and Mrs. Wolfrom

Friday, June 17, 2011

MegaJed Wedding Event - Part 1

This past week, we traveled to Moab, Utah, for Meghan (DJ's sister) and Jed's wedding. It was a fun week! Moab was beautiful, but even more beautiful was the La Sal Mountains were their wedding was held. The weather was perfect and the bride looked stunning. Prior to Bobbie and I arriving out there, DJ, Reid, Meghan and Jed stayed busy in the outdoors doing all the things Moab and the surrounding areas had to offer.

Mother's Day with Bobbie

Again, a little late on this post! We spent the Saturday of Mother's Day weekend with Bobbie on Lake Hartwell. We decided to pull onto a beach, picnic, swim a little and do some boating.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

First (and hopefully last) broken arm

Just days before Dutch's 3rd birthday, he fell on our neighbor's trampoline and broke his arm. He was a trooper and it hasn't slowed him down one bit. In fact, he's been back on that same trampoline at least 5 times since his fall. He gets his cast off this week :)

Birthday Day, Birthday Week, Birthday Month - why not?

So, in continuing with the birthday festivities for Dutch, we also had a small, impromptu birthday party with family on Dutch's actual birthday. I celebrate my birthday for almost a week - hehe :) so my son should too! Here are a few pictures from that celebration.

The dinosaur cake - his only request

Blowing out trick candles

And they continue...

Lane enjoyed the sweets

And, we continued on celebrating into the night with our neighbors - with more cake and popcorn - Dutch's favorite!

Zoo and Friends

This year, we decided to do something a little different for Dutch's birthday party. I was a little "partied out" after the birthday party for Lane, the kids' baptism party and a baby shower all in a months time- so we decidedto have the party outside of our home and we chose the Greenville Zoo. It was wonderful to not have to do a thing and just show up for the party - they literally did everything from the cake to the party favors. The kids really enjoyed themselves. Dutch chose to have the educational instructor bring a snake in for everyone to see. I was thinking it would be a small snake, maybe a garden snake or black snake.Nope. They brought in a boa constrictor and the kids were able to touch it and see it up close. I think they all were too mesmerized to be afraid of it. Good thing! Here are some pictures of his 3rd birthday party.