Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Little Spring in Our Step

At last, spring is here! Not that it hasn't felt like spring, or even more like summer for the last two months nearly. We are loving the warmer temperatures and longer days. It brings us outside more often and to the lakeon most weekends. Our spring has been filled so far with birthdays and sports.

Dutch has started playing both t-ball and soccer every week. He seems to really like t-ball and I think he will warm up to soccer. DJ is coaching his soccer team, which I happen to think is great! These kids are so cute out there playing, running around like little ants with no clue where to go and then it clicks and they are great little players!

We spent our spring break this year at the lake with the Lucas'. Unfortunately, the few days this spring that were a little on the chilly side occurred this particular week, but that didn't stop us from boating, wading and fishing. The boys had a lot of fun fishing with the dads, while the girls ventured off to the great town of Seneca for some shopping at the local Wal Mart. You read that right.

We wrapped up our spring break with Easter that was filled with church, family, egg hunts and good food. Now, it's back to the grind to finish out the kids' school year and get ready for a few fun vacations this summer. Today, however, we are off to watch DJ and some friends participate in the Mud Run. Pictures of the run to come soon!

One of our many nights of cooking out

The Iron Birds!

1st Hit

Always a lady in her tutu, even while fishing (below)

A day of fishing over spring break

Happy Easter!

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