Saturday, December 28, 2013

Merry Christmas to All!

We had a very busy week celebrating Christmas with all of our loved ones. The kids loved spending time with their cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, great grandparents....the list goes on. The most exciting thing for them was seeing what Santa brought them on Christmas morning. Dutch was the first up and to be honest, we have no idea when he woke up exactly. All that we do know is at 7:30 when he came into our room to wake DJ and I up, he rattled off everything that Santa had brought for himself and for Lane. When we walked into the den where their gifts were, they were scattered all over the room - he had clearly been up for a while and had played with a few things. Oh well, failed to capture that first look for him with his new bike, but not for Lane!

New Superhero Cape from Mary Beth!

New bike!

 1st bike!
 New microphone and princess dress

Playing his new Wii game from Reid!

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