Saturday, April 10, 2010

One month flies by!

Our little Lane is now one month old. Well, this post is late - by almost another month...but on the 4th, she was one month! We had our one month check up and have since been back to the doctor a few times.

At one month:

Weight: 9 lbs. 2 oz. (41%)
Height: 21.5 in. (59%)
Head Circumference: 37.7 cm (60%)

Last week (at 6 weeks) when we had to go back to the doctor because poor little lady had her first ear infection she was 9 lbs. 6 oz. (38%). She has been on an antibiotic for her ears and we'll go back tomorrow for an ear check up to make sure the infection is gone. We also have switched her to formula in hopes that it will help her fussiness. We are now on Nutramigen Lipil (specifically for babies with colic or a milk allergy) and reflux medication. We are keeping our fingers crossed that this helps! Just in the last three days, we've seen a major difference in her behavior. We are hoping that we have turned a corner - because let me just tell you, I am not sure I can go back to little sleep and then hearing her cry all day. I am just glad that it seems to be helping her tummy and she seems much more relaxed and happy!

1 comment:

Kelley Norris said...

I like the onesie she's rocking :) Glad to hear sweet Lane is feeling better!