Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Three's a Crowd

So, every night DJ and I battle with the same thing - who's going to lie down with Dutch until he falls asleep? I used to say that one of the best parts of my day was snuggling with my little ones, reading to them and sleeping with them, but over time that now requires much more. I still love doing that, don't get me wrong, but I'd also love "MY" time as well. When either of us goes to do the bedtime routine with Dutch, we end up laying in his bed for so long that either we fall asleep in there or we are so tired that we drag ourselves into our room and fall fast asleep - accomplishing nothing we had planned to and having no down time. I know many of my friends can agree with me here :)

Most recently, Dutch has wanted to have his blanket, two lovies, Woody and Buzz in the bed too. I mean, really?! As if I weren't crowded enough with you sleeping practically underneath me, now we really need five more things in here with us? Not to mention, when he wakes up in the middle of night and comes into our room he brings them with him to put in our bed - umm, nope, not happening! We (not really, we, more like I - my husband is snoring his face off and has no clue what is happening) have now started walking him back to his room so that he and I and all his belongings can get a little more shut eye. I guess I'll be sleeping with DJ again once my kids are grown and out the house!

On a side note, last night's bedtime routine reminded me just why I love it most of the time - Dutch told me I was his best friend and that he loved me to the moon and back. Melts my heart!

1 comment:

Keri said...

Loved reading this post! Allie now has to have all of her "friends" in her tiny little toddler bed!! We're talking every single Disney princess, along with Dora, "Doggie," and her blankie! She is lucky she is so cute and sweet, especially when I have to carry them ALL upstairs and downstairs for her!!